The Black Sun and The Vril Society, NaZi's & Dark Secret's

Posted by Inquiry into Diabolism On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 0 comments

The Baphomet, adopted symbol of some Left-Hand...Image via Wikipedia

Peter Moon tells us in his book ’The Black Sun’, on page 172 -
"The Vril Society began around the same time as the Thule Society when Karl Haushofer founded the "Bruder des Lichts", which means Brothers of the Light. This organization is sometimes referred to at the Luminous Lodge. This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as it rose in prominence and united three major societies:
  • the Lords of the Black Stone, having emerged from the Teutonic Order in 1917
  • the Black Knights of the Thule Society
  • the Black Sun, later identified as the elite of Heinrich himmler’s SS
Whereas the Thule Society ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political agendas, the Vril Society put its attention on the "Other Side."

A local medium named Maria Orisc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldn’t transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with another medium named Sigrun. Accordingly, the messages were coming from a being from the star Aldeberan, which has two planets which form the ’Sumeran Empire’. In the Sumeran empire were two classes of people - the Aryan or Master race, and a subservient race which had developed in a negative fashion as a result of mutation from climatic changes.
Peter Moon goes on to say,
"A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran’s became uninhabitable. Marduk, existing in what is today the asteroid belt , was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.
(Note: Here we are coinciding with the work of Zechariah Sitchin)


From some of the accounts available, Shambhala appears to have been a centre of spiritual enlightenment, very reminiscent of James Hilton's ’Shangri-La’, but others say that it was a centre of occult power and arcane teaching. Its leader was thought variously to be either an evil, tyrannical Sorcerer-King or a God-like ’Lord of The World’.
We seem to be left with a choice as to which story we prefer to follow, and evidently which Path one desires to follow, too. The evil Left, or the good Right!

Apparently there were two factions (as in Hyperborea), one of which followed the Golden Sun, and the other the Black Sun. (The ’Black Sun’, incidentally, was as prominent an emblem of the Nazi mythos as was the Swastika!) According to Jean-Claude Frére, author of ’Nazisme et Sociétiés Secretès’, the people of Hyperborea, after migrating to the Gobi Desert over 6000 years ago, founded a new centre, which they named Agartha. It became a great centre of world learning, and people flocked there from all over the world to enjoy its culture and civilization.

However, a huge catastrophe supervened, and the earth's surface was devastated, but the realm of Agartha somehow survived, under the earth.
The legend continues to relate that, as with the original Hyperboreans, the Aryans now split into two factions:
  • one group heading north-west, hoping to return to their lost Hyperborea
  • the second going south, where they founded a new secret centre under the Himalayas
Jean-Claude Frére concludes:
The sons of the Outer Intelligences split into two groups, one following the ’Right Hand Path’ under the ’Wheel of The Golden Sun’, the other the ’Left Hand Path’ under the ’Wheel of the Black Sun’. The first preserved the centre of Agartha, that undefined place of contemplation, of the Good, and of the Vril force.
The second supposedly created a new place of initiation at Shambhala, the city of violence in command of the elements and human masses, hastening the arrival of the ’charnel-house of time.’
According to Peter Moon, in his book ’The Black Sun’, the ultimate concept of Thule is well represented in the myth of it as the capital city or center of Hyperborea, a word which literally means ’beyond the poles’.
As it is beyond the poles, Hyperborea is positioned as being outside of this dimension. Thule, being in the center, is positioned as the source of all life on Earth. In Greek mythology, Pythagoras was taught sacred geometry by Apollo, a god who was identified as a resident of Hyporborea. In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center. This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black Sun. In this sense, Thule is synonymous with this Black Sun.

The word Swastika itself is means ’source’ amongst other definitions, and represents eternal cause or the fountain of creation. Accordingly, the Thule Society used the swastika symbol in their log to represent this idea.

The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. Thus, this namesake was reserved for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society.
It was senior to other societies.


Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 1 


Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 2 

Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 3

Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 4 

Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 5




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The Vampire Killing Kit Of Professor Ernst Blomberg

Posted by Inquiry into Diabolism On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 0 comments

The Vampire Killing Kit was sold by Professor Ernst Blomberg in the second half of the 19th century. The kit was made by Nicolas Plomdeur, a well-known gunmaker from Liège.
This particular box, which has been in the Surnateum's collection since the late 19th century, has recently been reunited with the accompanying pistol (made in Spain in the late 18th century, originally a flintlock but later converted to a percussion cap in the first half of the 19th century); the gun was lost under circumstances described below. Manufactured in two separate stages, it contains all of the accessories used to maintain the pistol, as well as a large bottle of holy water, small bottles which once contained Professor Blomberg's anti-vampire serum and garlic juice to impregnate the silver bullets, a small bottle of sulphur powder, whose odour could drive off vampires. A crucifix made of wood and copper, various blessed medals, a small bottle of salts, a copy of the 1819 book entitled Histoire des Fantômes et des Démons by Gabrielle de P. (see the Library).
A user's guide (in English) glued to the inside cover of the kit reads as follows:
Vampire Killing Kit

The accoutrement for the destruction of the Vampire

This box contains the items considered necessary for the protection of persons who travel into certain little known countries of Eastern Europe where the populace are plagued with a peculiar manifestation of evil, known as Vampires...
Professor Ernst Blomberg respectfully requests that the purchaser of this kit carefully studies his book. Should evil manifestations become apparent, he is then equipped to deal with them efficiently... Professor Blomberg wishes to announce his grateful thanks to that well known gunmaker of Liege, Nicholas Plomdeur, whose help in the compiling of the special items, the silver bullets, etc., has been most efficient.
The items enclosed are as follows...

1. The efficient pistol with its usual accouterments
5. A Syringe
2. A quantity of bullets of the finest silver
6. A wooden Crucifix
3. Powdered flowers of garlic (one phial)
4. Flour of Brimstone
8. Prof Blomberg's New Serum

Explanation by the Curator
When I arrived at the Surnateum's Secret Department, the entire team was already there. I greeted the librarian, the Curator's wife and Miss Fay with a friendly gesture, then a familiar voice addressed me.
"Did you have a problem with the access codes?" the Curator asked me, his lips curling in a sardonic smile.
"I couldn't find the key in the Glossary!" I replied, a bit out of breath. "But I suppose your talent for predicting the future meant that you predicted I would be late tonight... "
I glanced around; it smelled like wet paint. I rarely visited this department, but I was certainly not immune to the contents of the hidden part of the museum. It explains the true nature of the Institute and of sensitives, but it is only accessible to a tiny elite capable of perceiving the other side of reality and passing the testes allowing access to this place.
That was when the Curator started speaking.
"Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
This has been a year of discovery for the Museum. As you can see, the Secret Department has been entirely overhauled and new acquisitions have recently been released from the Quarantine Section to join the collections. They will soon be on display. The Department of Haunted Antiques has found a full Ghost Hunter's Kit dating from the period between the wars; the Library has acquired the rare 1714 edition of the 
Dictionnaire des Drogues Simples, along with a number of sought-after grimoires. I would especially like to congratulate our expedition leader, whose trip to Mongolia and Russia yielded the treasures you see here. This full shaman's kit was purchased at a market in Ulaanbaatar, and an analysis of its contents may allow us to find traces of the existence of the allghoi khorkhoi, the mythical Mongolian death worm. I saw the director of the Department of Cryptozoology rub his hands. The khanne will be carefully studied before joining the other Hauntiques; but something that I am especially pleased with, and something that was one of the main reasons behind the expedition to Mongolia, was the return of the missing piece of the 'Rhesus' puzzle."
Opening a chamois leather pouch, the Curator removed an ancient pistol measuring about 25 cm in length and clearly of an impressive calibre. Probably a .50, a very rare, perhaps even unique, model.
"I would like to thank Christian Bréard at the Department of Fine Restoration Work for his excellent work on this firearm and for returning it to perfect working order. But let me tell you about the background of this extraordinary item and then you will understand why the Collector and I are so pleased."
"In publishing the 
Traité sur les apparitions des Esprits, et sur les vampires ou les revenans de Hongrie, de Moravie, &c. by Dom Augustin Calmet in 1746, the Church officially acknowledged the existence of vampires and other creatures of the night. Yes, yes, I know - only the 1751 edition of the book is considered to be authoritative. But that doesn't matter! The book was published in the wake of and in response to the great vampire scare in the first half of the 18th century, prompted in part by the cases of Arnold Paole and Peter Plogojowitz. However, it was not until 1789 that the Church decided to arm a small team of monster-hunters to fight these creatures. The team comprised a French priest specialising in exorcism and invocation and - assuming I'm not confusing nationalities - a German tracker and a Spanish executioner. A firearm was designed and ritualised by three bishops so that the Spaniard could carry out his work efficiently. On the stock of the barrel were encrusted three silver crucifixes representing Golgotha and the weapon was consecrated during an extremely rare planetary conjunction (which must include a syzygy, an alignment of the sun, moon and earth). The pistol was originally a flintlock, but was later converted to a percussion cap system around 1820. The silver bullets were soaked in a mixture of garlic juice and holy water, and were in any case large enough to ensure that there was little chance of failure - especially if the target was hit in the head. Ideally, a wooden rosary was to be worn by the killer in order to weaken his prey. The executioner prepared the weapon for rapid use by lightly filing the lower part of the ramrod so that it would not get stuck in his clothes, thus allowing him to draw quickly in case of a surprise attack.
The gun has occasionally come in handy over the last few centuries - and not just for vampires and werewolves.
Having fallen into disuse in the second half of the 19th century, the weapon was acquired by the first Collector in 1877.
It was around that time that he had a certain Professor Blomberg put together the case.
It is said that he first used the pistol in 1888 against a creature dubbed 
Jack the Ripper by the British press of the day. The Ripper was a bloodthirsty entity whose remains have been lying at the bottom of the Thames for more than a century. The Collector has always been very reserved on this topic, but I believe that it was an officer in the Indian Army who had been infected by local magic and whose transformation was amplified during a Golden Dawn ritual. The Golden Dawn was an esoteric sect founded early that year. The case was covered up because it implicated a number of  very high-level figures in London.
Nevertheless, the pistol was still housed at the Surnateum when, in 1943, an emissary from the Archbishop of Ghent found the Collector and told him a very strange story indeed. The priest had heard, during a confession, the story of an old dying bishop by the name of Eugenius van Rechem. The very same one linked to the 'Schlemihl' affair. He had not understood everything because the dying man spoke with such a feeble voice and was unable to finish his story, but had demanded help. He had talked of inaccessible sacred relics (without giving further information), a doctor, experiments with blood, vampires and Adolf Hitler. The Collector, who was aware of the magical and apocalyptic experiments carried out by the Thule Gesellschaft at the end of the First World War, had taken the story very seriously indeed. He also remembered that another sensitive, F.W. Murnau, had made a prophetic film announcing the coming of the vampire. He understood why all of the attempts at eliminating the monster had automatically failed, each time multiplying Hitler's demented rage tenfold.
With each failed attempt, the Führer's protection grew stronger. It became necessary to train an executioner and to place him close to Hitler. There was no question of creating a new weapon, since the conditions in which the consecration ritual were possible only materialised once every 430 years. The pistol was therefore removed from its hiding place, carefully cleaned and prepared, and new silver bullets were cast and treated. The pistol was then secretly brought to Berlin, where it was handed over to the killer. The executioner had to be a German and someone close enough to Hitler to be able to approach him and eliminate him. After looking at several options, the Collector opted for a young major, an SS Sturmbannführer in the Waffen SS by the name of Otto G., with whom a meeting was organised. Also present at the meeting were a senior official from the Ahnenerbe, still secretly linked to the Thule Gesellschaft, and a high officer from the Waffen SS with a predatory face. At first appalled by the proposition put to him, the major hurled abuse at the 'traitors' and 'conspirators', threatening to report them immediately. He then calmed down and ended up letting himself be persuaded by the arguments presented to him. The light of doubt began to make its way through his unquestioning certainty. The Collector persuaded him to observe Hitler closely and to find clear evidence of the reality of the situation, in which case his SS honour would oblige him to take action - for the good of Germany and for the good of humanity. The dignitary from the Thule Gesellschaft then spoke to him at length about an ancient bottle, a ritual activated in 1919 by people who were unaware of what they were doing and its consequences, including the six million deaths that the war had already caused. He was promised that no matter what happened to him, his young child would be protected from the vengeance of the Nazis and from the Russians who would invade Berlin before the American and British Allies arrived. And if he were captured by the Allies then everything would be done to have him released or to have his sentence minimised.
The right moment presented itself during the afternoon of Monday, 30 April 1945. Shortly after marrying Eva Braun, a depressed Hitler announced that he was going to commit suicide; the excuse was perfect. Otto joined Hitler and his wife in the apartment's anteroom. Eva had just taken poison and the Führer was staggering about. The cyanide he had just taken was not having an effect on him; nothing could kill him. At that moment, understanding that everything he had been told was true, the Waffen SS officer drew the pistol, stuck the barrel in Hitler's mouth and fired the silver bullet at point-blank range. He then ordered the body to be burned. He threw a different pistol (an automatic model missing a round) onto the floor to make it look like suicide. The monster's body then had to be incinerated. This was a dangerous task given the Russian bombardment, but it was a task that had to be done and required nearly 200 litres of petrol. Unfortunately, in the confusion following the flight from the bunker and the major's arrest by the Russians, the Surnateum's pistol was lost. It was later found and kept as a 'souvenir' by a Russian soldier, who probably ended up trading it for cigarettes and vodka.
No connection was ever made between the pistol and Hitler's burned body.
We only had a vague name, nothing more, of a Russian soldier who was involved in the interrogation of Otto G. The German major served just part of his sentence and was reunited with his child after leaving prison some 10 years later. The Collector always keeps his word.
It took just 46 years of searching and delicate contacts with people in Moscow to find the pistol and bring it back.
Of course, this is not the only 'magic' weapon in the Museum's possession, but we always very much regretted losing it. It was returned to its case in the Vampire Section of the Department of Cryptozoology.
I raise my glass of absinth and offer a toast to the health of the Surnateum's exploration and restoration teams.
To your good health and a Happy New Year to you all!

The clothes worn by Adolf Hitler during the attack on 20 June 1944 were incinerated in secret on 27 August 1947 by an Allied team, with the blessing of Winston Churchill.
The Collector was on hand to ensure that every last drop of Hitler's blood was obliterated from the face of the earth.
The 'unofficial' reason given was that the authorities wanted to make sure that his clothing did not achieve 'relic' status.
An original copy of this extraordinary document (photographed by International News
Photos) can be found in the secret archives of the Surnateum.
This exceedingly rare document discreetly confirms and concludes the series of events code-named 'Rhesus'.

Vampire Killing Kit's -Video Pleathorea

Posted by Inquiry into Diabolism On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 0 comments


REAL VAMPIRE KILLING KIT, Original by Crystobal.. 

Another Vampire Killing Kit-From a Different Maker-Creator

This is a promo for van helsing's vampire hunting kit!!!

Vintage Vampire Killing Kts at Ripley's
Auction Kings- Vampire Killing Kit-Episode
Shopping for a Vampire Hunting-Killing Kit
Vampire Killing Kit- Take a Look Inside a 19th Century Killing Kit

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REALLY- Vampire Killing Kit's. Tool's for Killing The Undead

Posted by Inquiry into Diabolism On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 0 comments

Vampire Killing kit. No, seriously!

October 27, 2007
I was inspired to write my own thoughts on this subject by afascinating article <these first 3 links now sadly defunct, see update below> by a “Miss Whiplash” of the excellent sceptical siteMondoSkepto. This highlights a current (shortly to finish) Ebay auction of a supposedly genuine “Vampire Killing Kit”. These have begun to emerge in recent years as a dubious type of pseudohistorical artefact, as Miss W. succintly outlines in another post on the same blog. I don’t think it’s spoiling either her articles, or my post below, to say that they are without doubt or exception, total and utter bollocks. There’s little I can say that she hasn’t already said, but I offer my musings in the hope that they are of interest to any readers. I also provide below another nail for the proverbial coffin of the Ebay kit in question.
The obviously modern “vampire killing kit” now on Ebay
I have somewhat mixed feelings about the sale of these things. Clearly believers and even cynics of the paranormal might potentially fall for these obvious fakes, if they have only limited knowledge of history and experience of handling antiques and historic objects. But it’s just such a silly idea and the current Ebay piece such a bad effort, that I find it hard to raise much sympathy for any prospective buyer. That anyone might be taken in enough to drop over $1000 on it makes me sad. So, in case it isn’t immediately obvious, let’s take a look at the latest “kit”. The first thing, as Miss Whiplash points out, is that the little bottles are simply modern miniature spirits bottles with external screw-tops that give the kit a terminus post quem date of AD 1852, which of course is already later than the date offered in the auction. Screw-tops of this style were also not common until at least the 1920s. It’s not just the bottles though. For me, the overall look of the box and the implements is just… wrong. C19th artefacts and containers were hand-made, but don’t typically look as obviously rough and ready as this. The colours smack of modern acrylic paints, whilst the “stakes” look for all the world like resin or some other modelling /prop-building medium. The mallet, whilst apparently wooden, looks like no period tool I have ever seen, though obviously it could be a custom-made anomaly. As someone that regularly handles C18th-C20th books, I would place the book at the early C20th at the very latest, by style of binding and apparent wear/deterioration. Even the crisp-looking butt-hinges and hasp (which appears to be shiny stamped steel or aluminium rather than period copper alloy) are almost certainly mass-produced modern hardware store purchases. All of this is little more than educated speculation of course, but MondoSkepto’s screw-cap bottles are pretty damning, as, I would suggest is the dagger, which is a badly-aged version of this modern replica;
Spot the difference!
More than anything else, and what makes this even more a case ofcaveat emptor than the usual fake Ebay dross that can snare the unwary, is that it’s not even a fake of any authenticated type of artefact. In the folk tales of vampires, dedicated vampire hunters are conspicuous by their absence and (though I stand to be corrected Miss Whiplash!) there’s no suggestion that any dedicated equipment was even thought necessary. In cases we’d recognise as close to the modern conception of a vampire slaying, it’s nearly always the easily improvised wooden stake that’s the main tool, followed by decapitation/garlic in the mouth/incineration/whatever else. Silver bullets, as the other blog points out, are a latter-day Hollywood addition to the mythos, and were originally associated with werewolves (though silver in general was thought by some to counter anything supernatural).
For me all of this puts beyond help anyone choosing to bid on this stuff. Falling for a suitably aged modern replica of a well-documented type of antique is one thing, and requires only a lack of experience in the field. The level of belief required to splash $1000 on an unprecedented and anachronistic object pertaining to a supernatural creature that exists only in folklore and fiction, is something else. Interestingly, the Ebay kits are nothing terribly new. Six similar (if far more convincing-looking) kits have been sold by well-known international auction house Sotheby’s (alone) since 1994, including one in 2003 that sold for an astonishing $12,000. This is discussed at the urban legends section of The latest example, sold this April for $7,200, I have pictured below.
A “genuinely fake” vampire killing kit?
As well as the amusingly dinky stake, perhaps for killing mini vampires, notice the corked bottle, dovetailed hardwood box, genuine ivory, period fittings, etc etc. These are either much better fakes made using actual period components, or they are a genuine if rare type of antique. Sotheby’s, as you might expect, opt for the latter, albeit couched in quite careful language. They offer, without evidence, the theory that they were conceived of in the post-Dracula craze of the early C20th and possibly marketed to travellers to Eastern Europe (hence their small size). The line between fiction, folklore, and reality was certainly being blurred for some at that time, with Spiritualism and New Age religion on the emergence. Another possibility is that they were sold and bought as novelty items, in full knowledge (or suspicion) that there was no tradition of their use and certainly no real vampires to try them out on. The difference in quality and apparent antiquity between the Sotheby’s kits and the Ebay versions are quite clear; if the current crop are outright fakes, are the legitimately sold kits really “period fakes” in turn? The problem is that with no historical reference, they could quite easily still be modern fakes – the only pitfall for any forger would be failing to make a convincingly aged label.
This gentleman would have us believe that he started the whole thing as a bit of fun back in the 1970s, and that others have organically copied him in turn and expanded the idea. Though he claims to have drafted the label common to perhaps all of these kits, referring to the fictional Professor Ernst Blomberg and the (generically-named) “Liege gunmaker” Nicholas Plomdeur, he denies having gone so far as to produce the book by Prof Blomberg referred to in the label. This seems to be an embellishment, and one which is demonstrably fake. This pamphlet is that supplied with at least one kit, but unfortunately the content is identical to an 1891 article in The Theosophist journal by an H.S. Olcott and therefore bogus. The good professor even seems to have inspired a fictional counterpart! If Mr De Winter’s really did make the prototype kit, perhaps these latest “budget” attempts on Ebay are nothing more than a continuation of this tradition; the sort of deadpan spoof to be found on the Federal Zombie and Vampire Agency website. However, in closing I’d like to point the reader to this this vampire-related site featuring none other than one of the Ebay slayer’s kits. Perhaps they are in on the joke. I hope so. The alternatives would be too depressing to contemplate.

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Towards a Typology of Vampire Killing Kits

Posted by Inquiry into Diabolism On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 0 comments

Towards a Typology of Vampire Killing Kits

October 2, 2010
It seems we have a new VKK on the market – a “high-end” piece regardless of its authenticity and age.

For once we have hi-res images to work with, and it’s almost believably “19th century”, with a pistol that’s clearly hand-made. However, there is a lot of bright steel and fresh scratching on the under-side of the pistol. The red felt lining, though worn in places, is pristine in others and still suspiciously bright. In fact the dye used in its manufacture has stained the ivory on both pistol and the case.
One might expect someone familiar with working with such materials not to have made this mistake, which must have manifested soon after manufacture of the kit and marrs an otherwise attractive object. Someone turning out a modern curio, on the other hand, might not anticipate this result or have hung onto the kit long enough to see the dye bleed in this way. I also see the remains of adhesive on the inside of the lid, and have to wonder whether this kit might too once have borne a spurious “Ernst Blomberg” trade label. I’m not discounting the possibility of a very late (post-Dracula!) C19th kit,
Whatever the authenticity/age of this new kit, I thought it a good opportunity to try to make sense – if such a thing is even possible – of the some of the kits out there.
As you can see from Spooky Land’s attempt to classify and categorise VKKs, it is a daunting task, as no two kits are identical, and very few are even similar, despite the precisely-worded (“Blomberg”) label that many they share. This in itself suggests many different places and persons of origin. However, there are some parallels between kits that may be significant.
According to the seller of the new kit, there were three others like it from the same source. This we can’t confirm, but aside from its unique ivory case and accoutrements, this new kit is very similar to a pair of equally fancy kits sold by Sotheby’s in April 2007.
A very similar fourth kit with cruciform pistol was sold by Fain & Co in 1997.
Like the other three, it is also inscribed ‘I.H.S.’ (for the first three letters of Christ’s name in Greek). A fourth kindred kit is that published in Guns & Ammo magazine (1989) that I mentioned last time. There are no images of this kit anywhere else online, so far as I know (including on G&A’s own site);
It too is really nicely done, and though without “IHS” inscription, contains that unusual under-hammer cruciform pistol. To get techy for a moment, the similarity between the pistols is far from superficial. All are muzzle-loaded, featuring a combined mainspring and (under-)hammer that is ‘cocked’ into a notch on a folding trigger. When this is pulled, the tensioned spring slaps down onto a percussion cap at the breech and fires the main charge. A crude but clever way to incorporate a gun barrel into a wooden cross-shaped stock. The Fain kit lacks the combined ramrod/stake of the Forgett piece, as well as the bevelled arms of the cross/stock on the latter (probably an attempt at ergonomics)! The new (Greg Martin) gun opts for a folding knife-bayonet in lieu of a stake. The other cross-pistols also have wooden ivory-faced cruciform stocks, where this new one is solid steel with ivory cladding. Otherwise they are clearly either by the same maker, or are close copies of each other.
There is one other possible example of kit with cross-pistol at the Gatlinburg branch of Ripley’s, however the contents of the kit don’t seem to match their own caption. In any case, the pistol visible in that kit does have a similar underhammer system of ignition albeit fitted to a much more conventional mid-C19th pistol.
Where to go from here? I decided to look for parallels beyond kits with cruciform guns. I found it in the Ripley’s kit from San Francisco, which has a cross in the same style as the guns (possibly even a gun in its own right) which, like the two Sotheby’s kits and this new example, is also ivory-clad and marked ‘IHS’.

We then have yet another Ripley’s kit with what appears to be a folding plug bayonet (with silver-tipped stake attachment) for its (unusually flintlock), again marked ‘IHS’. Incidentally, despite its cheesy appearance, it is also more convincing than most kits, as the typically French case design, complete with cruciform cut-out for the bayonet, all look to be genuinely mid-C19th in date. It is essentially a cased pistol with the one specialised “anti-vampire” component, rather than the usual mish-mash in which the pistol is just one element.
There are then many more kits containing small wooden crosses faced with ivory – it is tempting to include these also, but I don’t want to over-reach myself by making such tenuous connections.

Returning to the Mercer museum’s kit – proven to be of modern manufacture, let’s not forget – we find yet another cross, lacking the IHS inscription but containing the same clipped circular religious medallion at its centre as the Forgett kit’s cross-gun. The author of the Guns & Ammo article supposed this to be St Peter, but given the analogies of impaling demonic creatures with long phallic objects, this is most likely Saint Michael.

This probably relates to the association of St. Michael with the exorcism of evil spirits in the Catholic religion. Not really something seen with the folkloric vampire, and so tempting to take as another hint that we’re dealing with the post-Dracula era.

From the Mercer kit, which has silver balls marked with crosses, we can also include this kit, now in the Victoria Police Museum in Australia.

This in turn takes us right back to the Forgett kit, as all three contain silver (possibly actually pewter) balls (i.e. bullets) with crosses cut into them. As I’ve commented before, the literary references for this practice date from the ’60s and ’70s.

The Victoria Police Museum kit is another fascinating one for which I have some more details. The pistol is a late percussion type made by Calderwood & Son of Earl Street, Dublin. This version of the name plus its obsolete form lets us date the gun to the period 1857 to 1870. No other kit contains a pistol of this size and type. In addition, its case bears an unusual inscription in a vaguely medieval script;

aski kataski
haix tetrax

It’s a version of an old supposedly magical phrase (think ‘abracadabra’) found on the statue of Artemis at Ephesius (c500BC) – a phrase of unknown origin that was used in everyday magic and ritual in the classical world. It seems to have survived via Gnostic Christianity into the 19th century in the form found on that lid – which whatever the maker’s rationale for using it, certainly appears in Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophical glossary (Theosophy being a new age religion from the 1870s onwards). It’s still in ‘use’ today with ritual ‘magicians’ of one sort or another. The inscription is in a bizarre typeface resembling none I have ever seen (answers on a postcard). It is inlaid in a style that to me suggests mid-19th century at the earliest – but shows cleaned areas in the aged/treated wood around each letter, suggesting that they are later additions. Pistol cases typically either eschewed decoration altogether, or had an escutcheon plate or decorative shape inlaid into the centre of the lid. The lining itself is not very mid-C19th as it uses cut-out forms with finger slots instead of the usual divided compartments. I think it likely that this is a re-use of an older pistol case.

What conclusions can we draw from this group of kits? Sadly, not many. Though far from being copies of each other, there are clear connections between these half-dozen or so kits that suggest a common origin. One possibility is a ‘school’ of vampire kit makers turning out multiples in order to make money. Another, just as likely, is that we are witnessing an organic string of copyists taking ideas from a kit or kits that they’ve seen and making their own version with the antique items and craft skills that they have available to them. In any case, this web of connections includes our only proven fake, casting doubt upon the others by association and to varying degrees. This doesn’t automatically make them all fakes of course.
Given that Val Forgett was a replica gunmaker by trade from 1956 onwards, it would be a neat conclusion indeed if we could say that he was the originator of the Blomberg kits. However, he was also an international dealer in antique arms and armour, and claimed in the article that he bought the kit ‘at a gun show’ in the US. This is unlikely to be the kit allegedly sold by Michael De Winter in England in 1972, as he made no mention of such an unusual pistol. Is it the product of an imitator? As with most other questions surrounding these kits, we are unlikely to ever know unless more VKKs can be scientifically tested or at least subjected to closer scrutiny by specialists outside the auction houses that do so well out of selling them.

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