Posted by Inquiry into Diabolism On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 0 comments

The VampireImage via Wikipedia"It was 1954 when a worn wooden box was mysteriously donated to the museum. The box came with a letter in which the anonymous donator explained that he had inherited the box from his father who had died unexpectedly a few years earlier after a short period of disease." 

When we inspected the box it seemed to contain various devices of the sort that could be used hunting and destroying vampires. Alongside these remarkable contraptions lay detailed writings that upon further scrutiny were found to consist of a major life long study encompassing the shadowy world of vampires and vampirism.

All items and notes that could possibly reveal the donator, or his late father’s, identity had been carefully removed, but what we have been able to ascertain after studying the various contents of the box is that the previous owner was active as a vampire hunter from the end of the 19th century up until the middle of the 1940s. We also know that he had comprehensive medical training and that he was active in Western Europe, Russia, and on at least one occasion in the Middle East.

With these rare items in our possession and with the increased knowledge they have brought with them, we are now in a position to present the modern public with the astonishing story of a Swedishmedical doctor’s long forgotten struggle against the undead during the first decades of the last century

FROM the website -http://www.cagliostro.se

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